VC makes a new home in costa rica
We are excited to announce a new step in world citizenship as we relocate to the heart of Central America!
This summer, Visitor Center HQ will pack its bags and embark on a year long adventure to the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. We are excited to dive headfirst into a new culture, mythology and source of inspiration. Stay tuned as we develop alternative viewpoints to better communicate visual artistry with the globe.
Please JOIN US!
VC will also be launching an exclusive artist residency program to host guests with an interest in a fresh location to create transcending work. Bring your own sunscreen. [contact VC for more information]
Follow @visitorcenter for adventure updates and our catch-of-the-day.
FLATOUt on vacation
As mosquito season is swiftly engulfing the northern hemisphere, you might be wanting to use Visitor Center’s home-grown organic mozzie repellent, FLATOUT.
While we’ve been producing the world’s best smelling and effective recipe for several seasons, sadly we have stopped our assembly line and juice machine.
Although our organic outdoor spray has been well received, we are currently reformulating to create something even more magical!
Please have patience and continue to connect with nature in our absence. We plan to relaunch with our new and improved 2.0 formula in the near future.
VC branding & PACKAGE being captured in the wild by the good folks over at THRIVE Natural skin care. Grown in Costa rica.
Visitor Center is a creative home for holistic brand development.
We guide inspired ventures with ideation, visualization and transcendence into the world.
LOGO & IDENTITY packages
EXPERIENTIAL | merchandise
ORIGINAL imagery
NAMING | Messaging